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Contract AI Forecast: Risks are Not Expected

Document Management

Axirum supports electronic document workflow as a whole from creation through maintenance, storing and deletion

Axirum provides users with core Document Management functionality:

Documents creation

Documents’ history

Full-text search

Access rights


Documents approval

Signing with digital signature

Quick creation of documents

Quick creation of documents

  • Documents are created from auto-generated templates, files, e-mail or scanner.
  • AI solution allows mass processing of documents: Smart Services classify the documents according to their types, split the flow and automatically extract data from text.
  • Employees can create documents using mobile solutions for smartphones and tablets.

Confidentiality and security

  • Document confidentiality is ensured by controlling access rights, encrypting document content and logging all actions on documents.
  • The system records history of the document: you can trace who and when viewed them, changed, set access rights, signed them, etc.
  • Documents signed with an electronic signature can't be changed.

Confidentiality and security

Lifecycle management

Lifecycle management

  • All document bodies are stored in a unified database. Users work with links to the documents and can save them in different folders. So users work with one and the same document and its latest content.
  • Versioning allows to trace changes in a document and helps to avoid duplication. The number of versions is unlimited.
  • Document lifecycle stages and their changeover logic are determined individually for every document kind (contracts, invoices, etc.).
  • The stage of a document lifecycle changes automatically during the approval, or can be changed manually.
  • When the operational work with a document is completed, it is automatically sent for storage to an archive.

Organized storage and easy search

  • In different lists users can filter documents by status, autors, departments they belong to, issuing periods, etc.
  • Documents can be easily found by search criteria, in a specific folder or list. The system supports both attribute and full-text search.
  • It is enough to scan a unique barcode to find an electronic document or a paper copy.

Organized storage and easy search

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions

Spare the routine and get a high quality document processing.The system is equipped with intelligent tools based on machine learning and artificial neural networks.

Documents capture and recognition

Incoming documents are automatically imported into the system from a scanner, e-mail, or an exchange service. AI extracts data from text, no matter if it is a contract, a letter, or an invoice. User only needs to check if extracted data is valid and verifies the document.

Intelligent route selection

Smart Services split the document flow: the system defines an approval route based on a document requisites.

Document versions comparison

The system allows to compare contract versions: differences are highlighted and user can see what has been changed in a document. For instance, user can compare the initial version of a contract with the scanned version that has returned from a counterparty.

Smart search of documents

Search functionality supports fuzzy and federated search and helps finding documents in natural language even without exact criteria. For example, user can easily find contracts with similar conditions.

Companies Appreciated Axirum Digital Document Management

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