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Contract AI Forecast: Risks are Not Expected

Glenmark Impex Reduces Labor Intensity
of Routine Work by 90%


month development and deployment




top managers working in the system

Glenmark Impex LLC is the subsidiary of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited international pharmaceutical company. The company’s pharmaceutical portfolio includes both prescription and over-the-counter medicines in major therapeutic areas such as dermatology, pulmonology, otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics, and general practice.

Project tasks

The company deals with a huge amount of contractual documents. As its client base grows, paperwork becomes too labor-consuming and ineffective. In 2017, Glenmark Impex decided to implement electronic document management based on the Axirum system.

At the first deployment stage, the company set the following objectives:

  • Reduce time for approval of counterparties, contracts, invoices, and procurement documents.
  • Increase transparency and control over the approval of documents.

Next, the company took on digitalization of power of attorney management. In Glenmark Impex, powers of attorney can be granted to employees who do not work in the system. For example, the company can authorize a courier or counterparty to receive goods or documents. The main goal here was to create a single powers of attorney database that allows for quick document creation from templates, quick search, and reminders about documents expiration. The other objectives were:

  • Provide flexible approval of a power of attorney based on its type.
  • Minimize the number of documents by issuing a single power of attorney to multiple agents.
  • Protect personal data of authorized persons.

The main goal of the third stage was to digitalize management of medicine documentation, from an official GMP certificate and up to internal documents such as package layout drafts and product instructions. It was required to:

  • Speed up document search.
  • Create more flexible, criteria-based approval mechanism.
  • Develop special conditions and role for preapproval.
  • Transfer historic data on medicines from the file system to Axirum.


Procurement, Contracts, and Invoices

Now employees who are involved in process of approval and assessment of counterparties just need to specify criteria of financial and legal reliability of a counterparty. Axirum will automatically calculate the final assessment in accordance with previously set formula. The system also checks validity period of counterparties assessment and notifies in advance when the reassessment is required. Automation of the process allows the company to minimize its fiscal, credit, and financial risks.

Axirum supports two routes of procurement documents approval. The number of approvers depends on the need for tender procedures. If a tender is not required, documents are approved on a shortened route. Otherwise, within the tender procedure, the committee analyzes bids, grades the suppliers, and holds a voting right in the system.

When approval of contracts starts, Axirum automatically checks completeness of contractual documents package. An employee can export any document from the system in the PDF format, as well as find an e-copy of a paper document by the barcode.

When working with incoming invoices, an employee fills in the planned payment date, that allows to avoid payment delays. An accountant checks if an invoice is correct and sends it to a manager for approval and signing. Invoices are stored in the unified archive allowing for quick and simple search and fast preparing of reports.

Powers of Attorney

The company has fully digitalized its powers of attorney management. To reduce the number of documents, employees can specify multiple attorneys in the power of attorney card.

To ensure confidentiality, all passport details are available only to specialists of legal department. The system checks powers of attorney validity periods and sends notifications to a responsible employee 10 calendar days before and on the day of expiration date.

Registration of Medicines

The custom solution “Medicines” module contains all actions for work with medicines documentation.

From a card of medicine employee can access all related documents, expiration dates, instructions and layouts, registration certificate, and GMP rules that ensure compliance with medicine development and registration requirements.

Validity periods of GMP and registration certificates are extremely important, so the system automatically sends a notification on imminent expiration of documents to a responsible employee.

If a document is to be approved with a limited number of approvers, an approval initiator can only select a checkbox in a document card, and the system picks a short approval route.


Digitalization has accelerated procurement and supplier assessment, and simplified preparation of bidding documents. Invoices are approved according to the company’s regulations, check and approval of invoices is now faster.

All powers of attorney are stored in the centralized archive, the number of documents is reduced. Powers of attorney management has become more efficient:

  • Average approval time has reduced by 30%.
  • PoA creation and editing is now 90% faster.

Thanks to the unified storage system for information on medicines, instructions, layouts, registration certificate, and GMP, the company has speeded up the approval process and increased its transparency:

  • The average time required for approval has reduce by 30 %.
  • Searching of full documents package is 30% faster.

Step by step, all company’s business processes are transforming into digital form. The company’s executives are already planning to set up documents exchange with counterparties via services of legally valid document exchange and to introduce a module for managing promotion materials.


months for development and deployment


system users


top managers work in the system

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