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Contract AI Forecast: Risks are Not Expected

Intelligent Business Processes and Documents

With powerful platform capabilities and inbuilt Artificial Intelligence (AI) Axirum becomes a reliable core for corporate digital infrastructure. We provide an integrated approach to drive innovations.

All documents are created and processed in digital form,
and are legally valid
All business processes
are digital
All employees
are engaged in digital
All collaboration with affiliates,
and government is digital

Enterprise-level Solutions

The Axirum platform allows companies to start with basic Document and Business Processes management, functionality, and gradually build corporate digital infrastructure around more specific business processes.

A wide range of Axirum-based ready-to-use processes allows to automate mission-critical business tasks. Business solutions complement each other, making a complete enterprise management system.

Today more than 3000 organizations in 20 industries across 10 countries rely on us:

Powerful Platform

A powerful and flexible development tool allows customizing system to specific business processes and creating new solutions. Web client and mobile apps allow managing tasks on any device, at any time and from anywhere.


  • A broad set of ready-to-use processes
  • A powerful workflow engine
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for automating time-consuming processes


  • Easy customization to specific business processes
  • Cloud, on-premise, and hybrid
  • Further extension of system capabilities with a high-powered development tool


  • An easy-to-use and intuitive web interface
  • Mobile apps: for top managers and for all users

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions

Spare the routine and get a high quality document processing.The system is equipped with intelligent tools based on machine learning and artificial neural networks.

Documents capture and recognition

Incoming documents are automatically imported into the system from a scanner, e-mail, or an exchange service. AI extracts data from text, no matter if it is a contract, a letter, or an invoice. User only needs to check if extracted data is valid and verifies the document.

Intelligent route selection

Smart Services split the document flow: the system defines an approval route based on a document requisites.

Document versions comparison

The system allows to compare contract versions: differences are highlighted and user can see what has been changed in a document. For instance, user can compare the initial version of a contract with the scanned version that has returned from a counterparty.

Smart search of documents

Search functionality supports fuzzy and federated search and helps finding documents in natural language even without exact criteria. For example, user can easily find contracts with similar conditions.

Apply Axirum Artificial Intelligence for various business tasks. Here are just a few examples how AI can help you:

Contract terms assessment

Risk assessment functionality allows to control if contract has mandatory requisites and examine contract terms for potential risks: fines, payment dates, etc.

Applicant’s CVs analysis

AI analyzes if a candidate fits requirements in a vacancy. HR manager receives a brief review and recommendations regarding the applicant.

Generating expense reports

AI processes business trip documents and sends them to an accountant for approval. Employees only need to send e-tickets and photos of receipts to a special email.

Company, Partners, Community

Axirum has over 30 years of experience and constantly develops technologies and products. To support customers in their digital transformation, we have built a reliable partner network that currently includes more than 100 companies, serving a large number of clients from all over the world.








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