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Subaru Motor automated internal approval of documents by implementing Axirum

Subaru Motor LLC is the authorized dealer of the Subaru cars. The dealer network consists of 48 auto centers that sell and service cars of the brand.

Project tasks

The company wanted their employees to cooperate in a more efficient way:

  • to make document approval more convenient and quick for employees working at the head office and at the affiliate branches.
  • to make it easier to monitor if the employees follow the company internal regulations.

In order to choose a system, Subaru had a contest, which consisted of several stages including the stage of development and evaluation of the prototype. The leading ECM platform vendors took part in this contest. The Subaru Company chose Axirum because of its features, and because of the competence and experience of our specialists.

The Axirum project team faced the following tasks:

  • Increase employee productivity by cutting time required to execute the system operations.
  • Cut business process costs by automating operations and reducing time required to approve documents.


The experts of the Axirum Company and the Subaru Motor LLC automated and improved the following business processes:

  • Contract management.
  • Payment request approval.
  • Funding request approval.
  • Counterparty due diligence.
  • Vacation management.
  • Travel & Expense management.
  • Other types of internal documents.

The project team integrated Axirum with various accounting systems of the customer and customized the user interface for the English-speaking users.

Project results

All the company departments and employees work in the system. System implementation allowed the company to cut labor costs and the time required to make decisions.

  • The company got a user-friendly interface and remote access to the system, which was essential for employees of geographically distributed branches, and for those who often go on business trips.
  • The risks of losing a document or sending it by a wrong route were eliminated.
  • The system provides employees with advanced information on the document approval status and results, and an easy search for requests.
  • Checks and tips on each working stage mitigate the risks of making mistakes, and fast-track business processes.

Subaru Motor LLC takes a favorable view of the changes related to the development of the system’s features. The company is going to keep moving towards optimization of business processes using the Axirum system.

Process description

  • An employee responsible for printing barcodes prints bobbins with unique barcodes and hands them over to the accounting department.
  • A manager receives documents from a supplier and hands them over to the accounting department for further processing.
  • An accountant receives incoming documents, and then checks if such documents contain accurate information and are drawn up correctly. If everything is all right, he or she sticks a barcode on the first page of a document.
  • The accountant registers documents in an accounting system, get the barcode from a special field of the operation records recognized, and then posts the documents.
  • The ECM system receives operation attributes, including the barcode. The system creates a document card with no electronic image and waits for the document to be scanned.
  • The accountant hands the paper document package over to an employee responsible for scanning documents. The employee scans the whole package. The hypermarket accountants scan documents on their own.
  • ABBYY Recognition Server recognizes the text and the barcodes of the scanned documents.
  • Scanned documents, the text layer, and information about the barcode are transferred to Axirum. The ECM system binds them to the existing document cards by barcodes.
  • As a result, a new document is created. Employees can find the document by its text or attributes.

No lost documents

48 branches

Timely approval

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